My story

Hello, friends!

My name is Emily, and I’m happily living without gluten. It’s funny to hear myself say that because I definitely wouldn’t have believed eight years ago that would be the case. 

In 2016, I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Up until then, my way of showing love to family and friends was to bake them desserts. So when I found out my body’s reaction to gluten was “off the chart,” as my doctor said, I gave up not only my ability to eat many of my favorite foods, but also the joy it brought me to prepare them for other people.

Once I made it through the mourning stage and then a couple of years of very restrictive eating to heal all of the damage that had been done to my body, I went on a mission to recreate my favorite recipes without gluten. 

It brings me tons of joy to be able to share amazing gluten free treats with other people. And that’s how “Flourish” was born. 

When you choose Flourish to treat your gluten-free friends and guests with an amazing dessert, you can trust it will be completely gluten-free because it was baked by ME (and I can’t go near gluten!).

I’m excited to share more of my story with you over the coming weeks and months. Until then, thank you so much for being part of my journey by following along.

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